InteSoul Leadership Podcast

Welcome to InteSoul Leadership Podcast: Empowering Authentic Leadership Hosted by a visionary leader whose life story embodies resilience, compassion, and a relentless pursuit of justice, ”InteSoul Leadership” is more than a podcast – it’s a movement towards authentic and transformative leadership. From the nurturing guidance of her parents, our host learned early on to stand firm for what is right, even in solitude. Her childhood, marked by both the protective love of her greatest leaders – her parents – and the harsh realities of racial injustice, shaped her understanding of leadership’s true essence. Her first encounter with racial prejudice in kindergarten, where she faced indifference from those meant to lead and protect, set the stage for her lifelong commitment to fighting bias and championing equity. This commitment was further solidified when her father, her hero, stepped in to demand accountability and justice, instilling in her the power of assertive, compassionate leadership. Carrying these lessons through her diverse experiences in education, the workforce, and ministry, she has witnessed the spectrum of leadership – from those who let biases cloud their judgment to those who lead with an inclusive and loving heart. Her experiences have forged a deep-rooted love for all people, transcending the pain of past injustices. Now, as the host of ”InteSoul Leadership,” she is on a mission to inspire a million leaders worldwide to lead with a healthy soul, embracing love for humanity. Her goal is to cultivate leaders who not only look and sound different but also leave a positive, lasting impact on everyone they encounter. ”Great Leaders own their story and empower other Leaders to be authentically successful.” This is the mantra that drives each episode of the podcast, where we delve into the depths of Leadership Transformation, Empowering Leaders, Building High-Performing Teams, and more. We invite corporate, academic, and church leaders to join us in this journey of personal growth, spiritual enlightenment, and practical leadership strategies. Subscribe to InteSoul Leadership – where leadership meets soul, and every episode is a step towards creating a world where every leader leads with authenticity and love.

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Friday Feb 16, 2024

Leadership isn't just about setting direction; it's about creating thriving environments where individuals can grow and learn from mistakes. This episode explores the concept of restoration in leadership, emphasizing the importance of supporting and rebuilding individuals who have faced challenges or made missteps. Yvette C Owens, leadership expert and speaker, shares actionable tips for restoring others, highlighting the benefits of building confidence, reputation, and integrity.
Key Takeaways:
Restoration is a crucial aspect of leadership: Leaders play a vital role in helping individuals recover from mistakes and challenges.
Tips for restoring others: Acknowledge mistakes, stand with them, involve them in finding solutions, and offer second chances.
Benefits of restoration: Builds confidence, repairs reputation, strengthens integrity, and fosters personal and professional growth.
Leaders need support too: Yvette Owens offers resources and support for leaders to continue developing their skills and effectiveness.
00:03 Introduction & Importance of Leadership
03:43 Restoration as a Leader
08:03 Tips for Restoring Others
13:58 Learning from Mistakes & Giving Second Chances
17:24 Impact of Restoration on Credibility
19:48 Resources & Support for Leaders
22:47 Conclusion & Call to Action
About the Host:
Yvette C Owens is a renowned leadership expert, speaker, and author. She empowers leaders to create thriving environments, build strong teams, and navigate change effectively. Her books, courses, and workshops equip leaders with the tools and strategies needed to succeed in today's dynamic world.
Work With Yvette
Visit Yvette's website ( ) for resources, courses, and leadership development tools.
Connect with Yvette C. Owens on LinkedIn and subscribe to her newsletter.
Follow InteSoul Leadership for more insightful leadership content.

Thursday Feb 08, 2024

In this episode, Yvette Owens discusses the importance of resilience in leadership. She emphasizes the need for leaders to show up strong, confident, and authentic, and to create safe spaces for their teams. Yvette highlights the key factors that contribute to resilience, including trust, confidence, continuous learning, collaboration, and commitment to the vision. She also emphasizes the importance of leading by example and offers coaching and support for leaders. Overall, the episode emphasizes the power of resilience in navigating change and achieving success.
Leaders need to show up strong, confident, and authentic.
Building trust and confidence is essential for resilience.
Continuous learning and collaboration contribute to resilience.
Commitment to the vision is crucial for resilience.
Leading by example is important in fostering resilience.
Coaching and support can help leaders develop resilience.
00:00Introduction and Purpose of the Podcast
01:59The Importance of Resilience
04:22Building Trust and Confidence
06:18Continuous Learning and Collaboration
08:13Commitment to the Vision
12:13Resilience for the Greater Good
14:14Leading by Example
16:44Coaching and Support
18:16Conclusion: The Power of Resilience
YouTube Description
Ready to lead with unwavering confidence, even in the face of chaos? In this power-packed episode of InteSoul Leadership, renowned coach and international best selling author Yvette Owens dives deep into the essential superpower of resilient leadership. Packed with actionable takeaways and inspiring insights, discover how to:
Navigate complex situations with unwavering resolve and authenticity.
Build unwavering trust and confidence, empowering yourself and your team.
Embrace continuous learning and collaboration as fuel for growth.
Stay true to your vision, even when faced with setbacks.
Lead by example and inspire your team to thrive through any challenge.
Yvette doesn't just talk theory; she shares practical tools and strategies based on her extensive experience coaching leaders at all stages. Whether you're stepping into a new role or seeking to deepen your impact, this episode is your roadmap to becoming a resilient leader who thrives, not just survives.
Bonus: Learn about Yvette's exclusive coaching programs, inspirational books, and upcoming workshops designed to unlock your full leadership potential.
Click play and transform the way you lead and live!

Thursday Jan 25, 2024

In this episode of the InteSoul Leadership Podcast, Yvette C. Owens and Jamila Moore discuss strategic visioning and effective leadership. They emphasize the importance of building relationships as a leader and the need for effective communication. They also discuss the balance between staying true to one's core values while building relationships with individuals whose values may differ. The conversation highlights the role of strategy in leadership and the importance of monitoring and measuring outcomes. They also emphasize the need for legal protection in business and leadership endeavors.
Building relationships is essential for effective leadership.Effective communication involves aligning intent with impact.Leaders should balance their core values with building relationships.Strategy requires monitoring and measuring outcomes.Legal protection is crucial for business and leadership endeavors.
00:00 Introduction01:00 About I Am and Moore02:21 Vision vs. Strategy04:41 Building Relationships as a Leader07:01 Effective Communication09:54 Building Relationships without Losing Yourself11:49 Balancing Core Values and Building Relationships14:08 Finding Common Ground in Relationships16:01 Strategy and Creativity18:16 Monitoring and Measuring Strategy19:30 Balancing Current and Future Strategies21:28 Balancing Existing Operations with New Strategies23:33 Importance of Legal Protection for Leaders26:13 Closing Remarks
Contact Jamila Moore at
Book Yvette to Speak!
🚀 Don't Miss Out: Subscribe to "InteSoul Leadership" for more empowering leadership insights. Share this episode with aspiring leaders and join us for the upcoming leadership challenge!

Thursday Jan 18, 2024

Summary In this episode, Yvette Owens interviews Victor Dos Santos, President of Commercial Insurance at SageSure Insurance, about leadership and how to elevate as a leader. They discuss topics such as vision and strategy, recruiting and developing talent, and building resilience. Victor emphasizes the importance of understanding your company's competitive advantage and aligning your vision with that advantage. He also highlights the significance of hiring for both skills and attitude and creating a supportive and motivating environment for employees. The conversation concludes with a reminder to be grateful and to have a plan for achieving your career and leadership goals.
Understand your company's competitive advantage and align your vision and strategy with that advantage.
When recruiting, hire for both skills and attitude and create a diverse panel of interviewers to ensure a comprehensive evaluation.
Support and develop your employees by providing opportunities for growth, recognizing their achievements, and creating a positive work environment.
Build resilience by anticipating potential challenges and having backup plans in place.
Practice gratitude and have a plan for achieving your career and leadership goals.
00:00Introduction and Purpose
02:08Vision and Strategy
09:09Identifying Strengths and Skills
13:49Recruiting and Developing Talent
25:58Building Resilience
32:36Closing Remarks
📘 Yvette's Book Recommendation:
"Unlock Your Leadership Potential" - A 30-day journal with prompts focusing on vision, performance, authentic communication, and resilience. Available at .

Thursday Jan 11, 2024

Guest: Will Meier, Awakening Destiny and Author of "Leaders for Life"
Host: Yvette C. Owens
Topic: Exploring the integration of spirituality and leadership.
Goal: To empower leaders to harness their spiritual wisdom for effective leadership.
Key Highlights
Will Meier's Contributions:
Awakening Destiny's Mission: Focuses on creating leaders and champions.
Book: "Leaders for Life" - A comprehensive guide for leaders encompassing various life stages.
Leadership Approach: Emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and spirituality in leadership.
Discussion Points:
The Importance of Spirituality in Leadership:
Understanding one's purpose and the bigger plan.
Spiritual wisdom as a leverage for leaders.
The role of self-awareness in leadership development.
Dealing with Personal Challenges:
Transforming challenges into strengths.
The concept of "capacity" in leadership, turning trials into opportunities.
Authenticity and Leadership Identity:
Leadership identity coaching: Aligning with one's true identity.
The significance of being authentic and transparent as a leader.
Spiritual Archetypes in Leadership:
Introduction of four spiritual archetypes: Strategic Architect, Empowering Visionary, Impactful Ruler, Collaborative Integrator.
Importance of understanding these archetypes for team dynamics and effective leadership.
Agile Change Leadership:
Adapting to change by understanding one's identity and team dynamics.
Utilizing spiritual archetypes for better team engagement and navigating changes.
Will Meier's Offerings:
Leadership Assessment: Based on the four spiritual archetypes.
Email Contact:
Upcoming Events:
Unlocking Your Leadership Potential Challenge:
Dates: January 17th, 18th, and 19th.
Includes a 30-day leadership journal with prompts and quotes.
Final Thoughts:
Encouragement to embrace one's entire self, including spirituality, in the corporate environment.
The importance of self-awareness and understanding one's team for effective leadership.
Call to Action:
Subscribe, share, and participate in the upcoming leadership challenge.
Catch the next episode of "InteSoul Leadership" for more insights on empowering leadership. Remember to subscribe for more inspiring conversations!

Thursday Jan 04, 2024

In this insightful episode of "InteSoul Leadership," host Yvette C Owens delves into the crucial aspect of change management in business leadership. She discusses the importance of handling change effectively to prevent trauma and confusion within teams. Owens emphasizes the leader's role in guiding their teams through change, ensuring productivity, and maintaining a positive environment. The episode covers various aspects of change management, including defining success, engaging teams, communication, and the personal and professional growth of leaders through change.
Key Takeaways:
Effective Change Management: The importance of managing change to minimize negative impacts on teams.
Defining Success in Change: Leaders need to clearly define what success looks like in the context of change.
Inclusive Approach to Change: Engaging those closest to the change and listening to diverse perspectives.
Communication is Key: Proper communication is essential in managing changes and reducing resistance.
Personal and Professional Growth: Change management offers opportunities for leaders to grow both personally and professionally.
Introduction to Change Management [00:02.53]
Exploring the significance of change management in business leadership.
The Role of Leaders in Change [02:26.71]
Discussing how leaders can effectively guide their teams through change.
Strategies for Managing Change [04:25.934]
Addressing communication and inclusivity in change management.
Change Management Challenges [06:25.746]
Exploring common challenges in implementing change in organizations.
Key Aspects of Successful Change Management [08:46.95]
Defining success, measuring progress, and amplifying success stories.
Personal Growth Through Change [18:05.326]
How change management contributes to a leader's personal development.
Call to Action: Leadership Potential Webinar [22:53.61]
Invitation to join an upcoming webinar on leadership and change management.
Conclusion and Final Thoughts [25:19.602]
Encouraging leaders to embrace and lead change innovatively.

Thursday Dec 28, 2023

In this episode of "InteSoul Leadership," host Yvette C Owens discusses advanced strategies for corporate leadership development. She emphasizes the importance of nurturing the mind, will, and intellect for effective leadership. The episode focuses on five key strategies crucial for meeting the challenges of today's fast-paced corporate environment, emphasizing adaptive leadership, strategic vision, inclusive leadership, emotional intelligence, and continuous feedback and development.
Key Takeaways:
Adaptive Leadership: The ability to navigate changes and challenges while maintaining momentum across multiple responsibilities.
Strategic Vision: Forward-thinking and preparation for future organizational needs.
Inclusive Leadership: Including every voice for diverse perspectives and team member growth.
Emotional Intelligence: Developing self-awareness, social awareness, and critical thinking for better team interactions.
Continuous Feedback and Development: Regular and comprehensive feedback for personal and professional growth.
Introduction to Advanced Leadership Strategies [00:02.886]
Understanding the concept of InterSoul leadership and its impact.
Adaptive Leadership in Practice [02:29.426]
The importance of agility in managing multiple responsibilities.
Strategic Vision for Leaders [09:39.17]
Looking ahead to prepare organizations for future challenges.
The Power of Inclusive Leadership [11:59.198]
Embracing diverse perspectives and team member engagement.
Embracing Emotional Intelligence [14:15.994]
Understanding and applying emotional intelligence in leadership.
The Importance of Continuous Feedback [20:55.542]
Sharing personal experiences and the value of ongoing feedback.
Call to Action and Resources [27:48.01]
Invitation to participate in webinars and access leadership resources.
Closing Remarks on Leadership Styles [31:11.554]
The need for adaptability in leadership styles.

Thursday Dec 21, 2023

In this episode of "InteSoul Leadership," host Yvette C Owens delves into the core aspects of empowering leadership and nurturing excellence. She emphasizes that leadership extends beyond mere task delegation and involves inspiring and guiding team members to reach their highest potential. Owens discusses the importance of understanding each team member's unique skills and experiences and highlights strategies for agile change leadership, team collaboration, recognizing team members' value, and managing organizational shifts.
Key Takeaways:
Empowering Leadership is More than Delegation: True leadership involves elevating team members to their full potential and meeting them at their current level.
Valuing Team Members' Uniqueness: Each individual's unique skills and experiences are crucial to the team's success.
Agility in Leadership: Flexibility and transparency are key in balancing organizational harmony during transitions.
Collaboration Over Micromanagement: Leaders should focus on strategic involvement and allow team members to contribute to decision-making.
Acknowledging Contributions: Regularly recognizing each team member's role and value prevents taking them for granted.
Effective Change Management: Involving team members in the change process ensures better implementation and success.
Building an Inclusive Culture: Creating a work environment where every voice is heard and valued nurtures excellence.
Navigating Resistance and Feedback: Addressing concerns and gathering team feedback is vital in the change process.
Introduction to Empowering Leadership [00:01.646]
Definition and significance of true leadership.
Understanding Team Dynamics [00:02:28.514]
The importance of recognizing individual skills and experiences.
Strategies for Agile Change Leadership [00:04:53.382]
Balancing organizational needs with flexibility.
The Role of Collaboration in Leadership [00:06:54.862]
Encouraging team involvement in decision-making.
Recognizing and Valuing Team Members [00:09:19.51]
The impact of acknowledging individual contributions.
Change Management and Team Involvement [00:11:44.458]
Strategies for effective change implementation.
Fostering a Culture of Excellence and Inclusion [00:14:09.59]
Building an environment where every member feels seen and valued.
Overcoming Resistance and Engaging in Feedback [00:16:33.486]
Addressing team members' concerns and suggestions.
Closing Remarks and Call to Action [00:18:34.082]
Invitation to share leadership stories and join the InterSoul community.

Thursday Dec 14, 2023

Hosted by a visionary leader whose life story embodies resilience, compassion, and a relentless pursuit of justice, "InteSoul Leadership" is more than a podcast – it's a movement towards authentic and transformative leadership.
From the nurturing guidance of her parents, our host learned early on to stand firm for what is right, even in solitude. Her childhood, marked by both the protective love of her greatest leaders – her parents – and the harsh realities of racial injustice, shaped her understanding of leadership's true essence.
Her first encounter with racial prejudice in kindergarten, where she faced indifference from those meant to lead and protect, set the stage for her lifelong commitment to fighting bias and championing equity. This commitment was further solidified when her father, her hero, stepped in to demand accountability and justice, instilling in her the power of assertive, compassionate leadership.
Carrying these lessons through her diverse experiences in education, the workforce, and ministry, she has witnessed the spectrum of leadership – from those who let biases cloud their judgment to those who lead with an inclusive and loving heart. Her experiences have forged a deep-rooted love for all people, transcending the pain of past injustices.
Now, as the host of "InteSoul Leadership," she is on a mission to inspire a million leaders worldwide to lead with a healthy soul, embracing love for humanity. Her goal is to cultivate leaders who not only look and sound different but also leave a positive, lasting impact on everyone they encounter.
"Great Leaders own their story and empower other Leaders to be authentically successful." This is the mantra that drives each episode of the podcast, where we delve into the depths of Leadership Transformation, Empowering Leaders, Building High-Performing Teams, and more. We invite corporate, academic, and church leaders to join us in this journey of personal growth, spiritual enlightenment, and practical leadership strategies.
Subscribe to InteSoul Leadership – where leadership meets soul, and every episode is a step towards creating a world where every leader leads with authenticity and love.


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